
Showing posts with label nirbhaya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nirbhaya. Show all posts

Friday, 6 March 2015

Gender Equality - Begin at home!

Women are a blessing to the humanitarian world. They make you and they may break you at times for what you are.
On one side people go crazy announcing it at their highest pitch that they respect women and that they'd do anything and everything to protect their rights, and on the other hand they go crazy raping them. Half of them even dare to justify their deeds with those shameful explanations.
We, plainly, cannot claim equality until we root out those basic elements of inequality prevalent here.
And for that, the best we can do is START AT HOME!

I saw people claiming that we've gone a big way towards treating the two genders equal. They claim that they just have one measuring balance for both a son and a daughter. I would want to ask that bunch of people just a few questions.

Did you not ask your daughter to fetch a glass of water while your Son was busy playing video games?
Did you ever gift a doll to your daughter, while your son played with a football?
Did you ever laid a time limit for your girl to return back home while your son stayed out late at nights?

Most of you would say 'yes' to the above questions, and then attribute your answers to various reasons, for instance, you may say that your daughter likes playing with the doll, or your girl likes doing those household chores, and then, you care for your daughter and that's why summon her to return back home in daylight.
But let me be frank and tell you that they're all escape gates to the inequality you pose to the two prominent genders in the society.
Equality doesn't imply from the fact that you send both of your kids to school, or you never differentiated between them in respect of food or clothing.
I agree that we've come a good way in this field, and earlier, even these basic necessities used to be snatched away from a girl, but THIS ISN'T IT!

There was a colleague of mine who had a lovely little daughter, but the taboo didn't leave her too. Whenever her Mom used to work on a laptop, she would cry out and say that the laptop belonged to her Dad and her Mom was not allowed to touch it. INEQUALITY begins here.
Telling a girl that dress up like one, telling a boy that he should not cry as crying is synonymous to girls, they are all what you call the basic traits of inequality, which is still very much into our Central Nervous System, I would say.

I've never seen an advertisement of a glucose drink which let a girl play cricket, or an ad that shows a boy singing or dancing.
A recent advertisement of a packed eatable offered surprise gifts, a robotic car and a barbie doll, for a boy and a girl, respectively. Why did you do that? I mean, can I not play with the car?
What would be wrong if my brother plays with a barbie doll?
Motorbike ads would show a man driving one, while a bunch of girls follow him maniacally.
Excuse me? How do you see them like?

Politicians are busy releasing statements like women are themselves responsible for rape, and that they should dress up all covered to avoid one.
Didn't we achieve freedom long back?
I doubt so.
And half others are busy chalking out reservations for women in parliament and in various other jobs, and even applying for a job for women is free of cost while they charge plenty for a man. You would say that this is a way to create equality among masses and to let girls step forward in those fields. Your target probably reached a bit far, but ultimately what survived is inequality. Men are dying cursing women for all these perks that she gets.

Woman would not have needed these reservations if she was treated equal and taught at her home that she could conquer every field in this world.
We lack big time here!

Another stream of thinkers propose that We are unequal, and that's a fact. They say a man and a woman are biologically distinct and this is the fact that leads to thousand other inequalities.
Well, we don't ask you to change your sexuality to match a women's, they demand firstly and foremost-ly, a moral equality, to be treated as a human being.

My neighbourhood owns a family where a father wants her daughter to become a teacher, so that she could earn as well as take care of her 'would be family'.
Are we equal?
Why can they not become a mechanical engineer if they want to be one?
Bring equality on this front!

How can we really control those statements given out by politicians when somewhere the men in our house too, in some way, possess the same kind of mentality, believe it or not!
And then, when a late daughter of India is being attacked again by her rapists, that she could have saved her life had she not resisted her rape, we want to hide this ugly face of our society.

Hiding a fact won't modify and correct the thinking of our society. It never will!
Change need to begin at home, exactly then, we can hope for a safer, a better society, where a girl is brought in this world, is educated and then told to choose her career, without ever reminding her that SHE'S A GIRL!

P.S. I am not a feminist, but few of these things, they haunt me, badly.