
Sunday 24 February 2013

Facebook vs Twitter

So what would you choose?
Facebook or Twitter?

I have seen people comparing 'followers' on twitter to 'likes' on Facebook. Let me clarify that these two things are non-comparable.

Facebook has 'friends' for 'followers' on twitter. People will follow you on Twitter based on what you write, your thinking process, intentions. But on Facebook your display picture plays an important role and Generally people send you friend request for e-friendship.

'Likes' on Facebook can be compared to 'Retweets' on Twitter. Talking about my opinion, I used to like each and every post and photo on Facebook. But on Twitter only the most intellectual or mind boggling thoughts gain a Retweet. Here lies the difference.

'Favourites' on Twitter act like "a note to oneself".

Facebook has additional 'Apps and Games' but they generally acts as what today's youth term it as a "Time Pass".

Facebook and Twitter both supports promotion of products, celebrities, organisations and much more by creating pages and profiles respectively.

I personally like Twitter to share my views socially where I don't have to worry about who is thinking what about us. Whereas Facebook always has this problem. Your posts may invite big discussions on your Facebook profile. Hear lies the biggest difference!

So my question still persists. Facebook or Twitter?